
Steve Chapman

Steve has over 30 years’ experience of providing independent corporate advisory services including mergers & acquisitions, capital raising and strategic advice.

Steve has a depth of experience however particular expertise in consumer staples, financial services, bulk commodities, business services, media and general industrials.

Recent notable transactions include:

  • Advised on JV of Northern Milling and Finasucre’s Bundaberg Sugar
  • Advised on sale of Talent 2 to Morgan & Banks Investments and Allegis Group
  • Advised on sale of Ross Human Directions to Chandler Macleod

Steve was previously an executive director of Morgan Grenfell, which merged with Deutsche Bank.

Steve was formerly an independent director of ANZ Wealth Group, a subsidiary of the ANZ Bank, former Chairman of Blackmores and former Deputy Chairman of Perpetual. Steve holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from UNSW and an MBA from the University of Adelaide. He is a Chartered Accountant and a Foundation Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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