
Ryan Whitelegg

Ryan has over 30 years professional experience within corporate finance, stock broking, private equity and research roles with a focus on both listed and unlisted companies.

Over his career, Ryan has gained considerable experience within the general industrial and health care sectors and has a strong track record of building and investing in entrepreneurial and family-owned businesses.

Recent notable transactions include:

  • Advised Prestige Inhome Care on its growth capital investment from Yorkway Private
  • Advising Earlypay (ASX:EPY) (formerly CML Group) on multiple capital raises and acquisitions and the takeover defence from Affinity Equity Partners-owned Scottish Pacific
  • Advising PayRight (ASX:PYR) on multiple debt and equity capital raises
  • Advising Atomos (ASX:AMS) on multiple unlisted capital raises, its pre-IPO and IPO, and subsequent placements

Prior to Henslow, Ryan was the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Austock Group, overseeing the Investment Banking, Property and Asset Management, Private Equity and Life Insurance businesses. Prior to becoming COO, Ryan held numerous positions including Head of Research, Institutional Research & Sales and Private Equity during which time he was the Responsible Executive and Executive Director of Austock Securities and Corporate businesses.

Ryan is currently a Non-Executive Director of Department13, a counter drone technology company and an alternate director on a number of private companies. Ryan has previously held board positions with Boardroom Pty Ltd, the third-largest share registry and corporate secretarial business in Australia (part of Boardroom Group, SE Asia’s largest share registry group).

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