FLAIM Systems secures $6.7m Series A Investment

Henslow is pleased to have acted as Lead Manager to FLAIM Systems (FLAIM) on their recent Series A $6.7m capital raising. Funds raised will be used to enhance FLAIM’s technology stack, strengthening the team and accelerating its go-to-market strategy.
FLAIM Systems has developed the world’s first fully immersive virtual firefighting training system, delivering a safe and cost-effective way to replicate the stress and uncertainty of real-world situations to better prepare the firefighter community to respond.
Breakthrough Victoria cornerstoned the Series A capital raise with a $5m investment. This was supported by a Rights Issue and an employee placement for a total raise of $6.70m.
This is first capital raising Henslow has conducted for FLAIM and we look forward to continuing to support them as they become a global leader in firefighter immersive learning.