M&A Landscape in Australia

Australia is experiencing one of the largest M&A booms seen in decades throughout both public and private markets. In particular, the mid-market M&A environment (transaction size $10m – $250m) has seen an unprecedented number of cross border deals. Henslow has gained exposure to this through our global Oaklins affiliation. The acquisition of UK healthtech business Silverlink Software by Henslow client, Alcidion Group (ASX:ALC) is a recent example of this. The surge in transactions is fueled by capital markets which have created an abundance of liquidity in the market, allowing companies to scale through bolt-on and transformational acquisitions and technologically advance existing systems and operations.
Other drivers include direct investments from leading superannuation funds, increasing ESG initiatives – particularly post COP26 summit – as well as cashed up local and international private equity funds. Even with the RBA signaling rising interest rates, with so much liquidity flowing through Australian markets, it is likely the M&A train won’t slow down in 2022 as boards and senior management aim to take advantage of cheap capital to drive their growth plans… and Henslow is here to help.