
William Lovelock

William has over 2 years of experience in Financial Services, specifically in Wealth Management.

William completed an internship at Macquarie where he was a part of the Financial Management Group. He then continued his career at Pitcher Partners in Melbourne, spending a year in their Investment Advisory division, working as a part of their Transaction team.

Recent notable transactions include:

  • Advised Bigtincan Holdings (ASX:BTH) on multiple capital raises, including their $136m raise to fund the acquisition of Brainshark
  • Advised InternMatch on their $10m capital raise via private placement
  • Advised Racing Australia Consolidated Enterprise (RACE) on their recent debt and equity raise

William holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Arts with a major in finance and history from Monash University. Outside of Henslow, he is a keen waterpolo player and avid St Kilda fan.

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